We need Education Sponsorships!







Did you know that Haiti's literacy rate is 61%, ranking it in the bottom 10% of countries worlwide? The enrollment rate for primary school in Haiti is 88% and fewer than 30% of the students reach 6th grade. 

All schools in Haiti require tuition, a child must wear a uniform, and books and supplies must be purchased individually. The high inflation rate in Haiti has made it a struggle to purchase food every day nonetheless uniforms and curriculum. For a family, where the parents are survivng on less than $3 a day, this is just too hard to do. It's even more challenging for the orphanages.

We at United Hearts Haiti want to give the children in the orphanages and families we assist the best chance they can have for an education. But we need your help! THEY need your help!

Would you consider sponsoring a child’s education? We have over 60 children that need sponsorships for schooling. For $420 a year or $35 a month you can put a child through school, that includes tuition, uniform, and curriculum!

Can’t contribute a full year? Ask a friend to join you in sharing a year!

Go to our Sponsor A Child  page and pick a child to educate.

Or if you don’t have a preference on which child, click


You can make a one time donation for the whole year or set up a recurring donation monthly. 

Be sure to note your donations are for Education Sponsorship.